elenmirie1, neutral female gigantic Rogue

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Elenmirie1 the Footpad  St16 Dx15 Co14 In11 Wi12 Ch8 RogGigFemNeu 
Dlvl:1  $:1810 HP:0(20) Pw:4(4) AC:6  MC:0 Exp:1

Your inventory
  a - an uncursed +0 short sword (weapon in hand)
  b - a cursed +0 pistol (alternate weapon; not wielded)
  c - 28 uncursed +0 bullets (in quiver)
  d - a cursed +1 leather armor (being worn)
  f - 4 blessed scrolls of gold detection
  g - 4 blessed scrolls of teleportation
  e - a cursed potion of sickness
  h - a cursed lock pick
  i - an uncursed oilskin sack
  j - an uncursed blindfold
  k - a cursed boulder

The oilskin sack is empty.

Final attributes
  You were stridently aligned
  Your alignment was 7
  Your max alignment was 10
  You carried 0 sins
  Number of artifacts generated was 0
  Your leg damage was 0
  Monster spawn increase would have started at turn 73495
  Monster spawn increase would have reached its maximum at turn 93576
  Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 254
  Strength training was 0
  Dexterity training was 0
  Wisdom training was -1
  Constitution training was 3
  You were punished
  You hungered rapidly
  You had infravision
  You had 1122 points of nutrition remaining
  You were stealthy
  You were very unlucky (-5)
  Mog was  angry with you (3)
  You are dead 

You didn't know any spells.

Vanquished creatures
  a kitten
  a newt (2 created)
  2 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You went without food
  You communicated with the gods 4 times
  You prayed 4 times
  You never hit with a wielded weapon
  You were a pacifist
  You were illiterate
  You never genocided any monsters
  You never polymorphed an object
  You never changed form
  You used no wishes
  You remained celibate

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    short sword        [Basic]
    firearms           [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills

Latest messages
  Are you sure you want to pray? [yn] (n) 
  You begin praying to Kos.
  It misses.
  The kitten picks up 5 gold pieces.
  It just misses!
  The kitten drops 5 gold pieces.
  The kitten bites it.
  It hits the kitten.
  The kitten is killed!
  You finish your prayer.
  The voice of Mog booms: 
  "Thou dost need penance!"
  You are being punished for your misbehavior!
  You are being punished for your misbehavior!
  Your iron ball gets heavier.
  Wait!  That's a Warder Sergeant!
  The Warder Sergeant wields a club!
  The Warder Sergeant swings his club.
  The Warder Sergeant hits you!
  You die...

Goodbye elenmirie1 the Rogue...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 1 with 10 points,
and 1810 pieces of gold, after 50 moves.
Killer: Warder Sergeant
You were level 1 with a maximum of 20 hit points when you died.

You didn't beat your previous score of 239 points.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    1244614  Kai-Sam-Hum-Fem-Cha quit in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 3 [max 32].                                     292 [292]
  2     166696  Elronnd-Val-Tro-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 15.  Killed by a warrior ant.                  - [169]
  3      86183  danl-Wiz-Dop-Fem-Cha quit in Town on level 7
                [max 12].                                             152 [152]

 138        256  doyoumind-Kor-Mou-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 2.  Killed by a larva.                    -  [25]
 139        255  elenmirie1-Nob-Her-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 2.  Killed by an emu.                     -  [19]
*140        239  doyoumind-Rog-Hob-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of              
                Doom on level 4.  Killed by a wimp.                     -  [17]
*           10  elenmirie1-Rog-Gig-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of             
                Doom on level 1.  Killed by a Warder Sergeant.          -  [20]
 141        234  xiella-Ble-Alb-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 3.  Killed by bleeding out.                    -  [27]
 142        217  Wooble-Che-Nym-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 1 [max 2].  Killed by an acidic corpse.        -  [22]